Unfixable is nothing
Shomberg TV and Audio Equipment Repairs

With 36 years of experience matched with state of the art diagnostic equipment we are striving to live up to that slogan.
With the advent of cheap home electronics, people want to know what to do when their equipment breaks. To fix or not to fix, that is the question? Their dilemma is only compounded by the large number of cheap replacements at the discount chain stores.
Don't give up on your LCD/LED/Plasma TV or Audio Equipment so quickly. Have it checked by a competent repair person near Shomberg first. When we repair your TV it is actually quite likely to outlast that cheap replacement at the chain store! Save yourself some money too. Kaztronics maintains a vast database of known problems covering all manufacturers including Vizio, LG, Sony, Samsung, RCA, Philips, Panasonic, Toshiba, Sharp, Sanyo and Hitachi. When we repair your television all parts known to have a failure history are replaced, not just the single part that may have been the cause of your immediate problem- a Holistic approach!
The quality of new products has been dropping for over a decade. Most products today only last two years or less before needing repair compared to ten years or longer for products made a decade ago. Our customers often mention the TV in the bedroom or basement that is twelve or fifteen years old and still playing. In the 1990s quality went out the window. Welcome to the new world economy, driven by "the bottom line" to deliver you a poor quality item engineered to last just slightly longer than the warranty!
Why are manufacturers urging you to just throw away that old TV, even though it contains toxic materials? There is now an added mandatory toxic fee charged on new TVs and monitors. You are paying extra for your new television to cover the costs involved in disposing of it, yet the manufacturer urges you to dispose of it and buy new one.
Manufacturers are now making their circuit boards by putting parts on both sides of the board so that they will have a compact board that fits into a smaller space, produced at a cheaper price. Because of this, they can no longer dip the circuit board in solder as they used to do or they will destroy the parts they put on the bottom. Instead, they sprinkle the board with a poor quality solder dust and melt it with a type of blow dryer device. The connections come un-soldered in just one or two years instead of lasting ten or more years like they used to do. This is part of the mechanism that allows them to bring you that cheap TV, although this same poor way of soldering is done on the more expensive models too, so that they don't last too much longer than the cheap ones.
This problem is readily repairable by soldering the broken connections by hand with the proper solder. When done properly by an experienced technician, your product can easily last many times longer than when it first left the factory. Another solder caused failure in modern sets is due to use of lead free solder. Lead free solder grows "whiskers" that cause short circuits in today's tightly packed integrated circuits. For a complete read on the problems and costs involved with using lead free solder, see this article. By mixing a small amount of lead into the solder when it is manufactured, this problem is avoided. All electronics manufactured today are RoHS compliant, meaning that they use lead free solder and components which can result in early failure of the product.
- Manufacturers often put in a few undersized or low quality key parts, calculated to last until the end of your warranty. If one of them fails while still under warranty, your circuit board is replaced with another containing the same low quality parts. Once Kaztronics replaces these flawed parts with a quality part, your TV can last longer the second time around, sometimes by many years. In many cases, you could say we actually re-manufacture the circuit boards in your television.
Well, maybe! Do you have any experience with soldering and unsoldering delicate electronic components? Can you locate defective capacitors that are not puffed out at the top?
If you can pick the bad capacitor out of the image below then we should talk about you coming to work with me. If you cannot pick out the bad one then we should talk about how I can help you.
Bring it in to Kaztronics and we will examine your TV and give you an estimate or bring in your power supply for a $45 FLAT RATE POWER SUPPLY REPAIR!
Flat Screen TV Repair
Due to the high cost and low probability of repairing modern (flat screen) televisions in your home with one trip, we will rarely try to service your television there. We specialize in component level repair, a less costly alternative to shops that come to your house and install several high priced boards to repair your devices.
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